Routing Number
The routing number for Woodland Bank is 091215163.
Wire Transfers
Move money across county, state, country, or even the world with ease. We offer our members domestic and international wire transfer capabilities. Call 218-999-9952 for wiring instructions.
Notary Services
A free service for our customers, available during lobby hours at all Woodland Bank locations.
Safe Deposit Box
Enjoy peace of mind. Store your most important papers, contracts, legal records and valuables such as coin collections, family heirlooms, and jewelry.
Direct Deposit
Automatically deposit your paycheck, pension check, or social security check into your checking account. Your funds will be secure and readily available whenever you need them.
Gift Cards
Why not give the gift you know they’ll appreciate every time? Choose a VISA® gift card in any amount and let your loved ones buy exactly what they want. Click here to learn more.
Reloadable Cards
With a reloadable Visa® gift card, you get so many benefits, including the security of not having to carry cash. Use it for travel or as a teaching tool for teens! Click here to learn more.
Order Checks Online
Reorder checks online from our trusted vendor, Harland Clarke, in just a few quick clicks. You can even customize yours if you like!